family of 3 snuggles up on steps in colorful garden at Concord's Old North Bridge

The Best Spring Photo Locations in Boston

We may have just had snow, high winds, and sleet three days ago, but some spring blooms have arrived and more are on the way! There’s no better time to get outside for family photos in Boston than spring :). After being a Boston family photographer for 10 years now, I’m here to share the best spring locations by month.

family of four snuggling in front of a cherry tree while holding their young girls up over their shoulders


April might be known for rain, but it’s also known for magnolias, cherry trees, and tulips! Magnolias pop up first in Boston and are most abundant in the Back Bay area. You do NOT want to miss them. They usually start blooming in late March and peak around the second week of April. Of course, that’s assuming the weather has been “normal,” ha.

family of 3 walks down Boston's Commonwealth Ave during the springtime


Cherry trees usually start blooming in mid-April. While you can find these in the Boston Public Garden, the Esplanade is most famous for them. The weeping cherries in particular make for some serious eye candy! The Japanese garden area of the Arnold Arboretum is also bursting with weeping cherry, but beware; the area is small and swamped with photographers and tourists alike. If you’re anything like me and prefer a lesser-known location, try some spots outside of the city. There’s the Brookline Reservoir and a couple of spots along the Charles River outside of Boston proper. Harvard Square is another “not to miss” location by mid-April.

family of four hanging out at the Boston Esplanade with toddler daughter on dad's shoulders

Lastly,  by the end of April, the tulips arrive at the Boston Public Garden. It’s not always easy to get pictures of them because of the tourists and “stay off lawn” signs, but if you’re there in the morning, you might get lucky!


May is the time for apple blossoms! Much like cherry and tulips, these can be found on the Boston Public Garden, but that’s not where I’d actually recommend going for them. There are better (and less crowded) options :). If you want to stick to Boston proper, try the Arnold Arboretum.

family of four explores Peter's Hill in Boston during apple blossom season

Looking for a location west of the city? The Acton Arboretum is perfectttt in May, boasting apple blossoms earlier in the month and loads of other flower varieties as the month goes on, including lilacs!

Looking for a quaint little garden for your next photo backdrop? The upper garden at Old North Bridge in Concord is toooo cute for words:), and underrated in my opinion!

family of 3 snuggles up on steps in colorful garden at Concord's Old North Bridge

Wherever you end up for your next spring family photo session near Boston, I wish you loads of beautiful flowers and minimal crowds ;).


Oh hey! I’m Melissa, a Boston family & newborn photographer, but I like to refer to myself as a toddler-whispering, child-taming, photographic ninja.